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Due to the intimate nature of lomi lomi massage, I prefer to vet any potential male clients. Lomi lomi is sensual and intimate, but it is NOT sexual. I reserve the right to decline service to anyone who I don't feel comfortable massaging.


Massage treatments take place in my home. Each session attends to the entire body.

Lomi Lomi + Sound Therapy

I am delighted to be able to offer Lomi Lomi massage in combination with sound therapy*, which is a deeply nourishing experience that will support you in restoring balance and harmony to both your physical and energetic body and bring you back into alignment (mind, body and spirit).


*There is also the option to receive a Lomi Lomi massage without sound therapy.


What to expect

A typical session lasts 2 hours 30 minutes (although a longer session can also be requested). This does not account for any time at the start or end, so please allow for an extra 20-30 minutes when planning your day (for introduction and closing).


You will be invited to receive the massage without any clothes, although I will provide a sarongue that will be used to cover your modesty during the massage. If you are a woman, you will have the choice to keep your breasts covered if you want.


A session includes 2 hours Lomi Lomi massage. â€‹To start, I will take my time to slowly and thoroughly oil the body with coconut oil, after which stage I will massage the body, spending half of the time on the back side, before asking you to turn around to work on the front side. In order to allow your entire body to receive attention and care, the treatment concludes with a facial and head massage (this is optional though). At the end, I will wash your feet to close the ritual.


I will play a curated playlist of relaxing music during the massage to enhance the experience.


Once I've finished massaging you, you will then be blessed with a personal sound bath (30 mins) that will incorporate the gong, tuning forks, himalayan singing and crystal bowls, rainstick, chimes, etc, from my collection of instruments. 


Throughout the massage, except for when I am applying oil to the body, I will not break contact with you and stay consciously connected to you through my touch and loving presence. 


If there are specific areas of the body that you would like me to focus on, please let me know before we begin.


During the treatment, you will likely experience a sense of peace/relaxation (it's not uncommon to drift off into sleep or slip into a meditative state where you are aware but deeply indrawn or feel like you are in an altered state of consciousness). It's also common to feel tingling and pulsing sensations as energy begins to flow throughout the body. You may see colours or images, have realisations or access memories, or experience an emotional release (permission to cry and vocalise sounds!). Each experience is unique and you are completely safe to explore whatever emerges.


Please note that this is not a deep tissue massage - it is intended to be gentle, slow, relaxing and healing. If you like a lot of pressure and to experience a degree of pain during a massage, this may not be appropriate for you (although you might be pleasantly surprised by giving it a try).


Preparing for your treatment

  • Please make your feet are clean as they are included in the massage.

  • There is no other preparation needed, just show up ready to receive some loving care and attention! The more that you surrender and trust the process, the more you will get out of it.


After your treatment

  • You will be covered in oil after the massage, so you may wish to go home directly afterwards and shower! I will provide a towel for you to wipe the oil off.

  • I would advise not having any demanding plans afterwards, as you may be more open and sensitive - take it slow and be gentle with yourself.

  • Give yourself a few days to fully process the effects of the treatment.

  • Drink plenty of water (this helps to flush out toxins and release emotions) during this time.

  • Get plenty of rest and connect with nature if you are able to (helps to ground the energies).


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